The “Mussner G. Vincenzo” studio is located in Ortisei, the main village of the Val Gardena, nestled in the Dolomite Mountains of northeastern Italy. This small valley is known as “the valley of woodcarvers”, because throughout the last four hundred years local people have earned their living making all kinds of carvings from wood. Religious art is an important category of this work, and it is in this field that the Mussner family has a long tradition. That tradition encompasses four generations of family members who have acquired an enviable reputation for creating and carving exquisite statues, crucifixes, stations of the cross and other items intended for use in churches.
Back in the year 1892, Giacomo Mussner (James Mussner), one of the well known and innovative master sculptors of the Val Gardena, founded a studio under the name of “GIACOMO MUSSNER, BILDHAUER”.
His eldest son Vincenzo, Sr. learned the sculpting art from master and professor Ludwig Moroder, as well as from his own father. As a result, in 1932 Vincenzo, Sr. took over the studio and changed the name in “MUSSNER GIAC. VINCENZO, SCULTORE”.
In 1971, Vincenzo, Sr. retired, and his oldest son Vincenzo Giacomo, also a certified master sculptor, began running the studio, and managed it until recent years. Today, the shop is run by his elder son Gregor, another master sculptor, with assistance from Vincenzo.
Many of their artistic creations can be found in the United States and in other countries.
Over the years our studio has contributed to the vitality of the sculpting profession by providing instruction to novices, and employment to some who have achieved higher levels of competence.
Moreover, our sculptors have received various awards and acknowledgements of meritorious work. For example, in 1981 Pope John Paul II presented to the missionary who had served for the greatest number of years a statue of Our Lady of Fatima created by Vincenzo. And, in 1998, the same Pope blessed a statue of “Mary of Nazareth” created by Gregor, before it embarked on a worldwide Marian Pilgrimage through 35 Countries.
Recently Pope Francis has blessed our statue of Our Lady of Loreto created for the diocese of New York.
Mussner G. Vincenzo © 2019 | Programmierung: Werbeagentur Südtirol